how to cook in wow
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Ingredients • Proficiencies • Quests • Recipes • Trainers |
- Cooking
- Instant
- Allows a cook to make basic recipes. Requires meat from beasts and fire to make food.
Cooking is one of the secondary professions in World of Warcraft.
It is a crafting profession which, as the name suggests, revolves around making food-type consumable items. Food made with Cooking grants the [Well Fed] buff which, depending on the food eaten, provides temporary stat buffs which typically last for 1 hour. Examples include
[Clefthoof Sausages] which boosts Versatility,
[Barracuda Mrglgagh] which boosts Mastery, and
[Ravenberry Tarts] which boosts Haste. Nearly all foods, even the ones not made with Cooking, also grant increased health regeneration while eating. Cooking can also be used to make certain entertaining consumables like the famous
[Savory Deviate Delight] or "feast" items such as
[Great Feast] which can be placed on the ground in order for several players to eat and benefit from it.
The base ingredients for food is meat and fish though many foods also require spices, Cooking-specific ingredients such as [Juicycrunch Carrot] , or even other food items. In some cases eggs (such as
[Small Egg] ), alcohol, herbs, or even more exotic ingredients are also used.
High-level Well Fed buffs are powerful enough to make Cooking a popular profession. In particular end-game content often requires characters to have as good stats as possible to overcome various challenges, making Cooking foods a must.
- 1 Official overview
- 2 Suggested classes
- 3 Requirements
- 4 Summary of skill levels
- 4.1 Advancement
- 4.1.1 Apprentice (0-75)
- 4.1.2 Journeyman (76-150)
- 4.1.3 Expert (151-225)
- 4.1.4 Artisan (226-300)
- 4.1.5 Master (301-375)
- 4.1.6 Grand Master (376-450)
- 4.1.7 Illustrious Grand Master (451-525)
- 4.1.8 Zen Master (526-600)
- 4.1.9 Draenor Master (601-700)
- 4.1.10 Legion Master (701-800)
- 4.1 Advancement
- 5 Quests
- 6 Achievements
- 6.1 List of cooking achievements
- 7 Leveling Cooking
- 7.1 Alliance (300-375)
- 7.2 Horde (300-375)
- 8 Patch changes
- 9 See also
- 10 References
- 11 External links
Official overview
Cooks experiment with strange and wondrous ingredients gathered from the far corners of Azeroth. A dedicated chef is able to turn mundane ingredients, recently caught fish or leftover animal meat into a delectable and nutritious meal. Ambitious cooks can even create massive feasts to sate the hunger of entire adventuring parties. Food made with cooking speeds health recovery, and some foods provide long-term buffs to heroes with full bellies.
Cooking is a secondary profession - anyone can train to be a cook, no matter how many other professions they've devoted themselves to.
Most cooking must be done over a heat source - either a cooking fire you've started yourself, or an open stove, campfire, etc.
Though many cooking recipes utilize meat from animals you've slain in the wilderness (making cooking a convenient way to utilize your leftovers), the fishing profession also provides you with a great deal of stock to try out new recipes. The health benefits of Azerothian seafood are well-documented. [1]
Suggested classes
All classes benefit from cooking: damage dealers (DPS), tanks and healers alike. With the addition of the new recipes available in Outland, Northrend, and Cataclysm there is something for everyone!
Creating food usually requires three components: A recipe, ingredients, and heat.
- Cooking recipes can either be learned from Cooking trainers, who can be found in capital cities as well as some minor cities, or from blueprints (recipes as items) which may drop from monsters, be sold by vendors, or rewarded from quests.
- Your ingredients will usually be meat from the beasts or fish in Azeroth and Outland. Some recipes also require vendor-sold ingredients such as
[Refreshing Spring Water] , or herbs gathered with Herbalism. Since patch 3.1.0, the vast majority of recipes have been streamlined and no longer require additional ingredients, with the exception of the "higher" food versions in Wrath of the Lich King (see below).
- Your heat source must be a Cooking Fire, such as a Campfire, a Stove, a Brazier, or a Fireplace, but not a Forge.
Summary of skill levels
Cooking Recipes |
Classic |
Cooking works just like any other crafting-profession; in order to advance your skill, you must constantly create dishes or higher levels by obtaining the recipes and ingredients. Whenever you create an item at a proper profession level, you may be guaranteed or have the chance of gaining a skill point.
The color of the recipe in your cooking window (menu) indicates whether you will gain a skill point in Cooking when you create the item. The color codes of all professions, including Cooking, are as follows:
- Red = Cannot create yet; you need a higher skill level in Cooking before you can create this recipe. You'll never see this on a recipe you know as an ability, but you may see it on a recipe as an item (such as
[Recipe: Clam Bar] ).
- Orange = Will always receive a Cooking skill point when you create that item, unless if you're at max skillpoint for your current skill level.
- Yellow = Likely to receive a Cooking skill point.
- Green = Unlikely to receive a Cooking skill point.
- Gray = No chance for skill increase.
All items in crafting-professions eventually end up being gray as your skill improves. Most begin as orange when you learn them, but some begin at yellow, green, or even gray (meaning the recipe cannot give you any skillups at all, such as [Hot Apple Cider] ).
When you gain enough Cooking skill points, you will need to visit a Cooking trainer to advance to the next skill level. Notice that as with other crafting-professions, a higher skill level may be trained prior to "finishing" the one before it. For example, Journeyman may be obtained at skill 50 although Apprentice goes to 75.
With Mists of Pandaria, cooking may now be leveled from 1 to 600 at Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds.
Apprentice (0-75)
This section contains information that is out-of-date.
- See also: List of Apprentice Cooking Recipes
- Cooking trainers which are able to train you all the way to Illustrious Grand Master are found in several places in the game. For young chefs, cooking trainers can conveniently often be found in the second village a player is likely to find, such as Kharanos in Dun Morogh or Bloodhoof Village in Mulgore. This is common for most professions.
- Apprentice Cooking can be obtained for a cost of 1
- Apprentice Cooking can be learned at level 5. Unlike most professions, however, Cooking does not have any level-requirements in order to learn skill levels. Technically, this means a level 5 player could level cooking all the way to skill 525 (max) as long as higher-level players supplied the ingredients and recipes needed.
- Upon obtaining the Cooking-ability, you will instantly learn three recipes;
[Roasted Boar Meat] ,
[Charred Wolf Meat] and
[Herb Baked Egg] . In addition, you may learn
[Spice Bread] right away from the trainer.
Fishing is a very useful, possibly mandatory profession for anyone who practices or levels cooking. It is a good idea to learn it at the same time you learn cooking, and afterward try to level both professions at the same time (no matter how boring fishing may be).
- You can start doing the Cataclysm-daily cooking quests in Stormwind or Orgrimmar once you become level 10. Each quest turned in yields +1 or +2 skills to cooking (depending on the quest). The Chef's Awards can be used much later.
Journeyman (76-150)
- See also: List of Journeyman Cooking Recipes
- Journeyman Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 5
when you reach Cooking skill 50.
- Most cooking recipes are not learned from the trainer, but from recipes as items. While 9 recipes are available from the trainer from skill 0-75, only 2 are available from skill 80-125. This means that the foods you'll be using to level cooking with will likely be learned from recipes purchased from different vendors. This is the case with higher levels of cooking as well.
Expert (151-225)
- See also: List of Expert Cooking Recipes
Artisan (226-300)
- See also: List of Artisan Cooking Recipes
- Notice that the standing with all these factions does not affect whether a player can learn the recipes or not, only whether it's possible to buy them. It is possible for a player that is at Neutral to buy the recipes and give them to a player who is still at Unfriendly.
- See also: List of Master Cooking Recipes
Grand Master
- See also: List of Grand Master Cooking Recipes
Illustrious Grand Master
- See also: List of Illustrious Grand Master Cooking Recipes
Zen Master
- See also: List of Zen Master Cooking Recipes
Draenor Master
- See also: List of Draenor Master Cooking Recipes
- Draenor Cooking is taught from
[The Joy of Draenor Cooking] , a world drop.
- Recipes can be discovered through cooking recipes, or sampling the dishes themselves. Recipes grant skill points all the way from 1-700.
- Standard dishes offer +75 buffs, while delicacy dishes are combined through a meat and fish selection, and offer +100 buffs. Only +75 feasts are produced through Cooking, while the +100 feasts are obtained from the Barn. +125 buff food was added in 6.1, purchased from Garrison vendors.
Legion Master
- See also: List of Legion Master Cooking Recipes
- The Legion expansion pack offers Legion Master level cooking.
- Legion Master Cooking is taught by cooking trainers for 48
when you reach Cooking skill 700.
- Legion food is split into several categories. Snacks provide small buffs, Light Meals provide +225 buffs, Large Meals provide +300 buffs, Delicacies combine large meals with more reagents to provide +375 buffs, and Feasts.
- Recipes can be obtained through drops or purchased from Nomi in Dalaran.
- Main article: Cooking quests
The majority of cooking quests are dailies. They, including other non-daily cooking quests, usually have in common that they somehow supply the player with cooking recipes. Other quests ask the player to cook something by using Cooking and some both. At higher skill (+375) it is necessary to complete several dailies in order to access more recipes.
Like other secondary professions, Cooking includes a number of achievements. Most of them focus on learning recipes, making food, and performing the daily cooking quests.
List of cooking achievements
Cooking Achievements |
[link]Click here to reveal the list (it may take a few seconds to load)[/link] |
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Leveling Cooking
This section contains information that is out-of-date.
If you're trying to level cooking, there are a few useful things to note:
- High-level players have several catch-ups deliberately introduced to make bypass the lower skill levels
- The
[Spice Bread] which can be learned at skill 1 is great for leveling early cooking. It requires
[Simple Flour] and
[Mild Spices] which can be purchased from Cooking Supplier(s) (a type of vendor), and gives skill-ups to skill 40, at which point it turns grey. That is almost enough to obtain Journeyman. The three other recipes learned at skill 1 go grey at skill 85.
Kendor Kabonka<Master of Cooking Recipes> sells 13 recipes that will help you level up cooking from the drops of the lower level zones
- As stated, the daily cooking quests in Stormwind and Orgrimmar yield skill points. This can be very nifty if you're absolutely stuck in the leveling progression, or perhaps for some reason needs an additional skill point (or two) fast.
- Also as stated,
Fishing is a very useful profession together with cooking. Not only are many types of fish very easy to farm compared with drops from mobs, different fishing recipes will also "overlap" each other through skill 1 to 525. This makes fish-recipes an excellent choice for leveling.
- Basic Campfire, which is also learned when obtaining cooking, can also sometimes provide skill points.
- During the seasonal event "Pilgrim's Bounty" it is possible to level cooking from 1 to 350 in about 30 minutes, without traveling to other places than just to your faction's capital cities. To get started, buy the
[Bountiful Cookbook] from the Pilgrim's Bounty vendor outside any capital city, and learn all the recipes you can from it. Most of the mats for each recipe can be bought from the same vendors. Cook one recipe until you've raised your Cooking level enough to learn the next recipe; repeat as needed until you can learn
[Slow-Roasted Turkey] at Cooking 280, then hunt and kill
Wild Turkey around Elwynn Forest or Tirisfal Glades.
- This article previously listed some extensive guides for leveling cooking from skill 1 to 375 (not updated for WOTLK and Cataclysm). The guides eventually became outdated, but the Burning Crusade-part is probably still workable as neither WOTLK nor Cataclysm has affected much of Outland (due to them being separate expansions).
Alliance (300-375)
Horde (300-375)
Patch changes
Patch 0.6 (2004-04-13): Recipes that require fish have been added to the Alliance areas.
See also
- Cooking outfit for roleplayers
- Powerlevel cooking and fishing (outdated though)
- ^
External links
- For leveling guides please visit Tradeskill leveling guides
- Wowhead
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Secondary |
how to cook in wow
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