
What Size Does A 13 Year Old Boy Wear


Em 02wnb

20/09/2011 at xi:27 am

sounds random:)

 but i sponsor 2 kids in Romania and am thinking about the xmas box i send them. The oldest is 13 and i need a crude approximate of what size shoes to transport



xx/09/2011 at eleven:32 am

Oh this is a actually difficult 1 to approximate.  My son is xiii and an adult size half-dozen but my nephew was a size 8 at this age.

It is safer to send one size fits all stuff like gloves, hats or scarves or even most other clothes. If they want shoes I would try and find out the size if poss earlier you transport them - it would exist sad if they were too small. 10



20/09/2011 at xi:33 am

My son is 13, 4ft nine and in a size vii, which i think is normal cos other son 14 is 4ft viii and in same size. TBH shoes are so personal, that it might be easier to ship something else or even trainers as they aren't as well bad if a bit big as y'all tin can tie them tight??

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20/09/2011 at xi:37 am

My nephew has only turned ten and is already the same size of shoe equally me - a 7! i tin can;t fifty-fifty guess what size he'll be at 13. It really varies.



20/09/2011 at 11:37 am

My son is xiii, 4ft 9 and in a size vii, which i think is normal cos other son 14 is 4ft viii and in same size. TBH shoes are so personal, that it might exist easier to ship something else or fifty-fifty trainers as they aren't too bad if a bit big as you can necktie them tight??

I agree with Denise on the trainers - they tin can exist easier to judge.  My ds is a size vii in trainers.


Em 02wnb

20/09/2011 at xi:37 am

oh no its too difficult to judge, i might see if the charity can find out for me and then. Maybe i could send them afterwards xmas i know they really need shoes and tin can't afford to buy them. Worth a try i'll sort something out through the people that run information technology.

Thanks for the replies tho


Aimee (2)

xx/09/2011 at 11:38 am

I wouldnt send whatever if it was me, simply considering at 13 I had size 9 feet while my pace daughter has size 2. Quite a difference!


Em 02wnb

twenty/09/2011 at 11:39 am

I concur with Denise on the trainers - they can be easier to judge.  My ds is a size 7 in trainers.

I was thinking of trainers just i think information technology prob would exist better to go out information technology until i know for sure



xx/09/2011 at 11:41 am

my ds is thirteen and only a size 4 so major differences to other posts.

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twenty/09/2011 at 2:54 pm

my 12 twelvemonth sometime brother is in size 7 mens

my brother in police who has just turned xv is in a size xiii mens



wendy fifty(6)

xx/09/2011 at v:15 pm

i definatly wouldnt transport shoes. my girl was a size 9 past age thirteen
how nearly socks instead equally you tin can become them that are suitable for between a size 6-eleven so would fit the majority of anxiety



20/09/2011 at ix:08 pm

my ds is 13-and is size  10!!!!!



20/09/2011 at 9:14 pm

My son is thirteen and in a size 10 now too. x

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What Size Does A 13 Year Old Boy Wear,


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