
Does It Cost Money To Roll An Option Position


Rolling forward — replacing a electric current short option with some other expiring later on — is an attractive policy. It produces additional income while enabling the option writer to avoid or defer exercise. If the ringlet also replaces a current strike with a higher i (for a brusque call) or a lower ane (for a put) the strategy besides increases potential upper-case letter gains in the event of future practise.

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Even so, rolling as well tin can work equally a trap in two ways. First, if a loss is created in the original position and not recaptured by the subsequent choice position, then writing short options volition not be profitable. 2nd, the forward roll in a covered phone call strategy tin result in an unintended exercise and resulting short-term capital gain instead of an expected and lower-rate long-term capital gain.


A forrard roll is the closing of a short option (past fashion of a closing purchase order) with a later on-expiring replacement choice on the aforementioned underlying stock. A frontward and up curl refers to replacing a brusk call with a later-expiring pick with a higher strike. A forrard and down whorl refers to replacing a short put with a subsequently-expiring pick with a lower strike.

Tax consequences tin apply in the procedure of rolling a covered call. A qualified covered phone call is 1 that resides within one increment of strike beneath the current value of the underlying stock, with varying levels based of qualification depending on the strike level and the fourth dimension to expiration. An unqualified covered call is ane deep in the money and beyond the specified qualification levels. Writing an unqualified covered call tolls the menstruation counting toward long-term capital gains handling of profits when stock is sold or called away.


Rolling frontward to avoid exercise is a strategy that should be considered, remembering that doing and then extends the fourth dimension a curt position remains open. This also extends take a chance exposure, so the strategy has to include a comparison of potential savings with the exposure of risk. Option writers tin can unintentionally detect themselves doing all they can to avoid exercise, even accepting a loss; this is a mistake. Practise is i of several possible outcomes, and it only makes sense to short options if that issue is adequate within individual risk tolerance.

Before inbound into whatsoever forward rolling strategies, particularly for covered telephone call positions, traders should understand the rules for qualified covered calls; they will want to avoid losing or tolling the count to long-term capital gains status to avoid offsetting selection-based profits with college tax liabilities.

The strategic value of the forward roll

Rolling forward involves a buy-to-close trade on a current short selection, replaced with the sale of a later-expiring option on the aforementioned underlying stock. The strategy tin be used for either calls or puts. The intention is to avoid or delay practice when the option has gone in the money or threatens to before expiration.

In theory, a writer can roll forward indefinitely, avoiding practice until the brusque choice remains out of the money at expiration. This strategy is especially attractive for covered call writing, because the market risk in the short position is minimal compared to uncovered call or put writes. Secondly, the forward coil at the same strike produces additional income considering a later-expiring option is always more than valuable than an earlier-expiring option. This is due to the nature of fourth dimension value, which is higher for longer expiration terms.

For call writes, a variation on the strategy is to replace the electric current short position with a subsequently-expiring, higher-strike call. This may involves a smaller credit or even a debit. Call writers assess the value of the higher strike gyre past comparison the net cost to the additional strike value. For example, if a covered phone call author replaces a 60-covered call now worth 3 ($300) with a 62.fifty covered expiring two-months later and pays two ($200) net of all trading costs, the net effect is a $150 debit:

Example 1 Chart

This ways that if and when the newly rolled telephone call is exercised, the added cost of $100 volition be showtime by the higher strike worth $250 more. In that event, the roll volition yield an additional net turn a profit of $150, versus assuasive the previous option to be exercised.

The trouble with the strategy involving creation of a debit for a higher strike is that it creates a net loss in the original short phone call — in this instance, a $100 net loss. If the subsequent covered call is not exercised but ends up getting replaced, the loss could become permanent. For example, if the writer decides to c lose out the 62.fifty covered call after it declines in value, is there any profit? Assume the newly rolled telephone call, which yielded $200 when it was sold, declines in value to $75. This is a turn a profit on the transaction of $125. But in truth, it is only a $25 profit; the debit created upon rolling forward was $100, and this has to be deducted from the profit on the rolled short call.

In this case, the trader earns $25 net. Merely what happens if the new telephone call declines by simply $75, to a new value of $125? In that instance, endmost it out yields a profit of $75. But when combined with the curl debit of $100, it is really a loss of $25.

This is an example of how covered call writers can deceive themselves through excessive use of the forward curlicue, and create cyberspace losses without intending to. The frontward roll is a valuable strategy, merely there are times when information technology makes more sense to roll to the same strike and gain a small turn a profit, or only accept exercise on the position.

The pitfalls of the forward coil

The potential for creating an unintended loss is merely one of the dangers in utilizing the forward roll. Part of the assessment of whatsoever strategy should balance benefit against risk — and gamble includes connected exposure in a short position. Does the potential exercise abstention justify the added time the short option remains open up?

The run a risk is not limited to potential exercise of a short selection. Rolling forrard keeps you committed in the position, meaning more capital tied up to maintain margin requirements, also translating to the potential loss of other opportunities between now and expiration of the brusque choice. Any option writer needs to continually keep the overall internet profit or loss in listen, and to analyze the current position in terms of the time element every bit well. Short positions benefit the most in the last two months of the option'southward life, when time value is going to fall quickly. So in considering a forrard coil, practise you lot desire to move the open period out later than ii months? This is always possible to avoid exercise, and the farther out y'all go, the more y'all are able to scroll up and still create a credit. Nonetheless, that always means the covered position has to remain open much longer; and this is where your judgment has to come into play.

Information technology should always be worth the extension of run a risk and exercise avoidance, or rolling forward does not make sense. Many covered call writers cease up forgetting that exercise should be an acceptable outcome. In fact, when properly structured, do is a highly profitable outcome, given that profits come from iii sources (selection premium, upper-case letter gains and dividends). At times, information technology makes the virtually sense to permit exercise happen and and then turn over the proceeds in another position.

Rolling the brusque put

Forward rolling as well works for short puts. In this situation, you lot avert exercise past replacing a current brusk strike with one expiring afterwards. To increase potential profits or reduce potential losses in the effect of exercise, you tin can roll forward and down to a lower strike. The same caveat applies to brusque puts equally that for brusque calls: Make sure you evaluate the fourth dimension commitment hazard forth with the net credit or debit of the forrad roll.

Whenever yous short a put, ane possible outcome is practice, meaning 100 shares volition exist put to yous at the fixed strike. This makes sense only when you consider the net cost of buying those 100 shares is a toll you think is fair. The "net" cost of 100 shares will exist the strike price minus what you receive for selling the put. For example, if yous sell a 30 put and get a premium of 2, your practice basis would exist $28 per share (30 – 2). So as long every bit the stock cost remains at or higher up the net exercise basis of $28, yous will not have a net loss.

Forward rolling of puts makes sense if and when the stocks' price falls beneath the net if-exercised basis. However, you still desire to avert the frontward and downwards roll if the cost is going to represent added expense and an unacceptably longer time the short position has to stay open up.

Possible tax consequences: Unqualified covered calls

A final risk involved with rolling covered calls forward involves the complexity of federal tax law. Nether the rules, if you write an "unqualified" covered telephone call before you lot take held stock for a full year, the count to long-term capital gains status stops and will non begin again until the position has been closed. If endmost the position includes exercise, then the capital proceeds volition be curt-term, even if the overall holding period is longer than one yr.

For instance, if you bought stock nine months ago, you lot have only three months to get earlier whatsoever gains will be long-term. At this bespeak, you have a 20-point gain on the stock, and you make up one's mind to write a deep in-the-money covered call. You reason that if the call is exercised, you go a nice overall profit; and that if the stock's value falls, you gain downside protection from the call. Simply there is a problem. Exercise will create a short-term gain in the stock because the covered call was unqualified. For case, you might decide to write a five-month call assertive that exercise at any fourth dimension subsequently some other iii months creates an automatic long-term gain on the stock. But if the call is unqualified, this is not the case. The turn a profit volition exist taxed as a curt-term gain.

This problem could turn upwards in an invisible way, involving the forward gyre. For case, you originally sold a covered telephone call on your $22 stock with a strike of 22.50 and expiration in 40 days. However, the stock's toll and so rose to $28 per share. To filibuster exercise, you buy to close the original 22.50 call and supplant information technology with some other 22.50 call expiring iv months later.

In this instance, you replacing an qualified covered telephone call with an unqualified one, meaning the count for long-term treatment stops every bit soon as the roll takes place. The rule for identifying qualified cove scarlet calls is complex, and is summarized in the chart:

Example 2 chart

The point to remember is this: Keep the forward roll in your arsenal of strategies to manage short option positions, just always be enlightened of the risks: Tying upward capital longer than you want, creating net losses, and losing long-term capital gains condition. Make all trading and investing decisions just afterwards you lot accept made certain that you capeesh and know about all market, margin, and tax risks involved.

Michael C. Thomsett is author of over 70 books in the areas of real estate, stock market investment, and business concern direction. His latest book is The Options Trading Body of Knowledge: The Definitive Source for Information Most the Options Manufacture. Thomsett's other all-time-selling books have sold over one meg copies in total. These are Getting Started in Options, The Mathematics of Investing, and Getting Started in Real Estate Investing (John Wiley & Sons), Builders Guide to Accounting (Craftsman), How to Buy a Firm, Condo or Co-Op (Consumer Reports Books), and Footling Black Book of Business Meetings (Amacom). For more info visit Thomsett'south website at He lives in Nashville, Tennessee and writes total-time.


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